Zugar contains unique blend of well researched herbs to tackle the distress of Diabetes. These herbs tackle hyperglycemia, protect against cardiovascular diseases and minimize the long term complications of Diabetes. It provides a sense of well being and improves the quality of life. Though being so effective, it doesn’t cause sudden hypoglycemia.
Each capsule contains standardized extracts of:
Gymnema sylvestre:
It blocks the ability to taste “sweetness” and also reduces sugar cravings. It is being used as a remedy for diabetes mellitus. Several studies have shown that it reduces the urine glucose in diabetes, normalizes glycosylated hemoglobin and glycosylated plasma proteins, two indicators of long term glucose control.
Momordica charantia:
It has blood glucose lowering properties without causing hypoglycemia. It helps reduce blood glucose concentration by influencing hepatic or peripheral glucose utilization.
Azadirachta indica:
It improves the blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels and is also helpful in reducing the need for hypo-glycaemic drugs. It shows antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-diabetic properties.
Eugenia jambolana:
It is particularly useful in hyperglycemia with dyspeptic troubles. It exerts an indirect pancreotopic effect. Several studies have shown that its seeds have property of lowering the elevated blood and urine sugar level. It also controls the excess thirst, which is one of the symptoms of diabetes mellitus.
Pterocarpus marsupium:
The active constituents of Pterocarpus marsupium are phenolic compounds. It significantly lowers the blood glucose level of hyperglycemic. Research studies have shown that it is a remarkable herb which has beta cell protective and regenerative properties as well as blood glucose lowering activity. This herb is able to reverse the damage to the beta cells which occurs in diabetes and actually repopulate the islets.
• Mild to moderate Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM)
• Newly discovered Diabetes
• As an adjuvant therapy with existing oral hypoglycemic agents
DOSE: 1-2 Capsules twice a day or as directed by the Physician.
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