Monday, September 6, 2010

Aloe Vera: The Flower of Regeneration

Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis

Therapeutic Uses of Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is a powerful laxative (it may be combined with ginger to stop gripping pain) and cleanser for liver, kidney, spleen, piles, cough, allergy, gasses, liver pain, intestine, bacteria, uterus problems.

It is an astringent, and an excellent blood cleanser.

Aloe Vera alleviates mucus from the body and gives relief from gasses, rashes, burns and ulcers.

It works on thyroid, the pituitary gland and the ovaries.

It acts as a bitter tonic to the liver and the whole digestive tract.

It enhances the secretion of digestive enzymes, balances acid in the stomach, aids digestion and regulates sugar and fat metabolism.

It can be used to treat colitis, peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.

Use as a mouthwash for sore gums.

About the Plant:

Throughout the tropical parts of the country, aloe can be cultivated indoor or in green houses where the plant can be exposed to southern, southern eastern, or eastern sun. They thrive best in light, well drained soil and do not require frequent watering. A healthy plant potted in a wide, shallow pot continuously sends up offshoots, which can be potted separately, when they are only one to two inches tall. Aloes are resistant to drought, taking in water very easily and losing moisture very slowly.

This succulent perennial of the lily family is indigenous to east and southern Africa. Flowers are yellow with red stripes in color.

The above article has been taken from: "Flowers That Heal" by Dr. Malti Khaitan

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